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#1 Best Kept Secret for Selling Your Home Fast

Every day houses for sale in the Washington, DC metro area and Baltimore, MD region are imputed into MLS online. Preparing a home for sale in VA, DC, MD can be a momentous task both for sellers and listing agents, especially if they want to make it picture perfect. After all, home sellers and their listing agent’s objective is to get the highest price at the best possible terms for the property. As the listing agent and listing broker, they have a contractual fiduciary relationship with their seller/clients.

There’s a lot of information written about all the prep work that needs to be completed before a home hits the market. Most sellers paint their homes inside and out, replace tired carpet and wash windows until they sparkle. They plant flowers outside and spruce up the exterior curb appeal. Closets and kitchen drawers are cleaned, de-cluttered and downsized. Sterling silver candlesticks, heirloom jewelry, expensive china figurines and personal photos of Great Aunt Frinks are put away.  Lastly, many homes are staged to give them that glamorous, generic look that seems to really “trick” homebuyers according to numerous studies.

As Exclusive Buyer’s Agents, we don’t let our homebuyers get “tricked” by staging. However, we do know what items are deal busters for many of buyers in Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia. 

Here’s the #1 Best Kept Secret for Selling your Home Fast That is Often Overlooked by Listing Agents and Sellers in DC, MD, VA.

#1 Hire a Professional to Wash the Roof

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Sellers shampoo carpets and power wash decks before their house is put on the real estate market, so why do so many sellers fail to wash their roofs Don’t do it!  It’s so easy and it actually works. If your roof is dirty don’t throw away money because it looks like it is on its last legs. Homebuyers are fixated with the condition of a home’s roof, since it ‘s such a big-ticket item.

A home inspector will give homebuyers the actual lowdown on the roof condition, but don’t let a dirty roof discourage qualified buyers from making offers. If sellers make the roof look fresh and new, it’s one less thing buyers have to do when they move in. It’s a win-win for everyone. It doesn’t cost sellers that much and it adds to the total “dream house package.”

Cleaning the roof before resale is clearly a no-brainer. Victor Fedoseyev with explains, “The results are simply amazing for most homeowners. Customers find that our eco-friendly, biodegradable roof cleaning removes ugly stains caused by algae, lichen, moss and fungus.”

I love these Before and After Photos, don't you?

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Now you tell me sellers, which house would you like to buy?

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