Can a Homebuyer Refuse to Consent to Dual Agency In a Real Estate Transaction?

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At the Buyer’s Edge our buyer clients will never be asked to consent to dual agency representation.  Never! For 26+ years, our non-traditional real estate company has been successfully serving home and condo buyers exclusively in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC. Our unique exclusive buyer brokerage model represents only homebuyers - never sellers. It's a true fiduciary relationship of transparency & trust. We are never in the sketchy position of “representing” both the seller and the buyer in the same real estate transaction. We believe that this is the true value of our service. This is what makes us unique.

Imagine our visceral reaction when one of our Buyer's Edge exclusive buyer's agents shared a slimy handout that they had recently received in a continuing education course in the Washington, DC Metro area. 

Please read this excerpt from the handout:

What happens if one of my clients refuses to consent to dual agency or representation?

A licensee may withdraw, without liability, from representing a client who refuses to consent to a disclosed dual agency or dual representative, thereby terminating the brokerage relationship with the “disagreeable” client.

This withdrawal does not limit the licensee from representing the “disagreeable” client in other transactions that do not involve dual agency or representation. In addition, the withdrawal does not prohibit the licensee from representing the “agreeable” client in the transaction.”

Yikes! The rhetoric in this handout is unbelievable! Buyer’s Edge does not have “agreeable or disagreeable clients.” As exclusive buyer’s agents, we only represent buyers 100% of the time. We know the value of having a true buyer's agent protecting your interests throughout the entire real estate transaction. It’s that clean and simple.

Please ask this question of your "buyer's agent" who works for an old-school real estate company..... As a "disagreeable client" must I continue to work with you if I want to buy another home after I have been deemed - "disagreeable?"

Do you really understand your buyer brokerage agreement?